Sunday, March 07, 2004
The Zenta Group story
The Philadelphia Inquirer has profiled US and India-based Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm Zenta Group. The article provides some hitherto unknown facts about Zenta as well as some good PR for the company's offshore operations.
Zenta was founded as a subsidiary of Mumbai-based real estate development firm The Hiranandani Group. Zenta is led by its CEO Priya Hiranandani (Age: 27). Intrepid Capital Partners LLC, a venture capital firm founded by Warren "Pete" Musser (who earlier founded Safeguard Scientifics Inc.) and Non-Resident Indian Cyrus K. Vandrevala, acquired a 50% stake in Zenta in September 2002 for an undisclosed amount. Hiranandani and Vandrevala married in February 2003, the Philadelphia Inquirer article says. US-based debt collection firm NCO Group (formerly known as National Collection Office) is one of Zenta's largest customers. The company, which currently employs 1,900 (and recruits about 120 each week) expects to go public by year end.
Click Here to read the Philadelphia Inquirer article.
Click Here to visit the Zenta Group web site.